Friday, May 19, 2006

Full Circle

In late 2004 I started the blog Life On A Pacific Island. It has gone through fits and starts since that time and changed formats many times.

I kept it here (at blogspot) for a while and then moved it over to a web server I built at home and kept in my small office. In that form I changed it around several times as I experimented with different web tools and content management systems. That was a fun experiment but ultimately it proved to be overkill and I shut the web server down. In fact that box is still sitting under my desk waiting for whatever the next project might be. (I'm thinking it might be a home PBX phone system.)

The next home for the blog was at a community website run by a fellow islander and IT professional. That was and you can still read all of my past posts from that period by clicking here. It was a good home and Sebastian does a great job with the site. He was very helpful in developing several blogger friendly features.

With the move to my newest computer recently I decided to search for a blogging tool that would make it easier for me to write, edit, post and manage entries. I've found one I like and meets my needs but to make it work I needed to come back around to using the blogspot service. And that is why you see a bunch of old posts below.

Your bookmark of will still work (you do have it bookmarked, right?) but you may need to update your RSS feed if you're reading the website that way. I'll add a new link for that soon in the sidebar.

Also don't forget to check out my other blog Speak Like A Geek. And thanks for your readership.

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