Monday, January 15, 2007

Wizard for Hire

Sunday starts a whole new season for many of my favorite shows; Heros, BSG more. But it also marks the debut of a new show on Sci-Fi called The Dresdin Files. Harry Dresdin is the only acutal wizard listed in the Chicago phonebook. He doesn't wear a pointy hat; he doesn't do kids' parties and he doesn't have a long white beard. What he does do is solve the mysteries that have slipped in to our world from the Neverland. Jim Butcher, the author of the book series that the show is based on has said in several interviews that he is very pleased with the way the show came out. So much so that he actually pictures the actor playing Harry while he is writing new books for the series. Check out the show on Sunday the 21st at 9:00 PM before the return of Battlestar Galatica. And if you've not read the books be sure to give them a read too. I have made the first book in the series as my Pick Of The Week in the sidebar.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This Is An Ex-Parrot!

I have decided to join a growing group on the nouveau chic on the web of ex-bloggers. I just don't have enough discipline to update on a regular basis so I've decided to revert to just having a web presence and not call it a blog per se.

In marketing I think they call it "rebranding".

The goal here is to take the self imposed stress of not updating often enough off of me.
So what is going to change? Well for one I am going to merge Life On A Pacific Island and Speak Like A Geek in to one site. I'm not sure yet what that is going to look like. I do know that both domain names will point to the same place, wherever that may be. I also know that I will use it as a central location for linking to anything else I am doing on the web (like my Flickr photo feeds).

Keep checking in from time to time over the next few weeks for the changes. Who knows? I might even get them made in a timely manner.

Oh, and if you were looking for my other blog, Speak Like A Geek, I have closed that all together and pointed the domain name here until further notice.

