About the author
So who am I? Well I would think that if you are reading this you will probably have some idea to start with. As I mentioned below I am writing to an audience that I know and who know me. I imagine that the readership might spread to people beyond that circle but if it does they can come to discover who I am a bit at a time.
I could give you the traditional Playboy bunny stats [I’m 5’10” with dark hair, like Mexican food and think aluminum bats are good for personal defense yet bad for baseball] but that boring. I would hope that as a reader you would either know that about me already or learn it as we go along. Some sort of datasheet would be boring.
So maybe you’re a buddy who wants to know what I think about the Mariners / Seahawks / Blazers (not Sonics, sorry); or you are my father who wants a little perspective on the wild world of technology from someone who is hip deep in it every day; or maybe you are my pastor and just want to check in from time to time and make sure things really are going okay; or maybe, just maybe you simply like my literary voices (I tend to use a few) and will read this blog simply for the fun of it. In the end I guess it doesn't really matter. For what ever reason you choose to read it I hope that I can edify, entertain or encourage you all.
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