Monday, July 31, 2006

Boomers Making Death Cool Again

A new social networking site a la My Space and Friendster has cropped up on the webscape. It's targeted towards the west of 50 crowd and touts such features like sending you an email when one of your online friends dies and helping with pre-planned funeral arrangements.

More info can be found here. And here is a direct link to

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Politically Incorrect Alphabet

My news reader caught this.

It's a series of A-B-C flash cards that depict topics that are mostly politically incorrect topics. There is a list in the text section of the site of what each card represents but I think part of the fun is trying to figure each one out.

That being done I have to say that I must not run with a PC enough crowd. I only found about a third of them to represent topics I would consider off the table when having polite dinner conversation.

Take a look and let me know what you think.